

This is a site where I keep miscellaneous Web experiments.


Basic Chords table is an interactive table of basic chords that I made for my piano studies. I began studying piano playing after I felt that I had some potential, from my early experiments, for making music. I added a keyboard using a JavaScript component that I found on-line.

Music Experiments. These are short tunes made from my early experiments in creating music using an iPad, a Macbook laptop, and on-line interactive resources. I made them without formal training. I wanted to see if I had any ability to come up with a few decent tunes.

Halloween Playlists contain some "free for personal use" pieces of music that I found on various Web sites, and that are suitable for Halloween festivities.

Tarot Mysterium

Tarot Mysterium is an interactive showcase of historical Tarot card images for contemplation, study and art appreciation. All information was found on-line; links to sources are included.

Tai Chi study

Tai Chi sword form is a reference for the postures of the Cheng Man-Ching style tai chi sword form. Names of the postures are given in English and Chinese, with links to illustrative slides, videos and an annotated translation of the names. All information was found on-line, and then put together as a resource for personal study.


Font Specimens is a Web development tool for browsing some of the common, popular and readily available Web fonts.